Thursday, January 15

Vitamins ???

Now that my life has turned 34, I notice that I get stressed over small things and between the menstrual period my mood swings crazily. I wonder if taking vitamins would help. I read an article on vitamins. According to the experts, to maintain good health, one should take :-

i) Multi vitamins;
ii) Antioxidants (A,C,E) or consume broccoli, etc.; and
iii) Fish oil

(**Which brand is good? Any suggestion?**)

On top of these supplements, women also need to consider taking supplement to maintain their beauty. These products are well known for all the beauties.

P/S : I tried both and I like Estime better. You can feel your skin become softer. But you need to drink a lot of water.

1 comment:

  1. hi, just blog hopping... i'd recommend nutrilite... coz it's natural n organic... if u need more info do buzz me...

